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Inflows spark bubble fears... but don't they always?

David Tuckwell

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Today's news from around the web

Huge flows spike bubble fears

With all the money flowing into ETFs, some are worried a bubble is brewing. Curiously - or maybe not so curiously - active managers are among the most worried. But the surge of funds into ETFs coincides with the biggest bull run in US stock market history. This means that if ETF were in a bubble, it would have to be part of some wider US stock bubble.

Active management stages a comeback

Flows into passively managed funds far outshone flows into their active rivals last year. But this year is set to be more even with active managers staging a comeback. The question now is whether active managers can sustain this momentum.

Japan's central bank loves ETFs

Bank of Japan has gobbled up $2bn of home market equity ETFs in two days, and is on track to have 3.2 percent of the Tokyo Stock Exchange's market cap by June 2018. The BoJ has often bought up Japanese assets to protect prices, but rarely on this sort of scale. The market distortions it could have in the event of a mass sell off are frightening.


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