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Amundi adds UK mid and small cap and US Treasury ETFs to core range

Total expense ratios (TERs) of 0.05%

Tom Eckett

a person with long hair

Amundi has expanded its core ETF range with the launch of two products offering exposure to UK mid and small caps and US Treasuries.

The Amundi Prime UK Mid and Small Cap UCITS ETF (PRUK) is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) while the Amundi Prime US Treasury Bond 0-1 Y UCITS ETF (PR1T) is listed on the Deutsche Boerse.

Along with the whole suite, both ETFs have total expense ratios (TERs) of 0.05%.

Like the rest of the Prime range, PRUK and PR1T will track a Solactive indices, the Solactive United Kingdom Mid and Small Cap ex Investment Trust Net Total Return index and the Solactive US Treasury 0-1 Year Bond Index Total Return, respectively.

The two new ETFs take Amundi's core suite to a total of 12 products, six equity and six fixed income.

Led by Fannie Wurtz (pictured), head of ETF, indexing and smart beta, at Amundi, the Prime range was launched in March 2019 with five equity ETFs and four fixed income ETFs.

Europe’s largest asset manager subsequently added a US corporate bond ETF in September 2019 to the suite in response to client demand.

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