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Solactive releases top billionaires index

George Geddes


Solactive has launched an index that seeks to replicate the stock selection of investment personages with proven track records.

The Solactive US Top Billionaire Investors index is comprised of the leading constituents in professional investors’ strategies.

The index enables regular investors to replicate the investment strategies of established US investors with which Solactive deems to have proven successful track records.

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This relieves some of the pressure on retail investors to carry out their own research and instead replicate parts of the portfolios of US investors that have access to quality research and market data.

Solactive acquires public data gathered by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US to determine what stocks to include within the index.

The firm selects the 30 most prominent and common stocks found in billionaires’ portfolios which are also included in the Solactive GBS US Large & Mid Cap index.

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Timo Pfeiffer, chief markets officer at Solactive, said: “The securities in the index play a crucial role in billionaires’ portfolios, making them also a perfect fit for investors who want to benefit from market insights of the pros”

Thailand-based SCB Asset Management has selected the index as the benchmark for its SCB Billionaire Fund.

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